Control alt end in mac
Control alt end in mac

You can also access the Force Quit tool on your Mac by clicking on the  logo and then choosing the ‘ Force Quit…‘ option from the drop down menu. Whether you are stuck or not in any program, this combination of keys helps you exit. When you press this key combination Force Quit tool appears that lets you quickly force quit apps no matter if they are working properly or are unresponsive.

control alt end in mac

In order to quick end or quit an app on Mac, press Command ⌘ + Option ⌥ + Escape on your Mac’s keyboard. Today, I am going to tell you this ‘key’ to get rid of frozen programs if you are a new Mac user who has recently switched from a Windows PC. No doubt there are several ways to end programs on a Mac, however, what if I tell you about a specific sequence that works similar to Ctrl+Alt+Del on Windows.

control alt end in mac

If you are also confused and want to know the shortcut to access equivalent of ‘Task Manager’ on your Mac, then we have got you covered. Windows users often ask what is the equivalent of Control + Alt + Delete on Mac for force quitting apps that have become non-responsive.

Control alt end in mac