NET and Java versions that will run on Windows, Linux, MAC and *BSD (using MONO). SpinWorks (NMR data processing and simulation software from the University of Manitoba). Note that to activate the license you cannot use the Chrome or Edge browsers, you must use Firefox, Safari or Internet Explorer. Runs on Windows, Linux and MAC.) This is the program I recommend using for most general NMR data processing. However, MestRe-C Lite facilitates the delivery of the tools necessary for analyzing information and can be an extremely valuable asset that saves time and improves productivity.Bruker TopSpin (NMR data processing software, from Bruker, requires registration. The results that comes from the analysis require extensive know-how of NMR and spectrums, therefore the interpretation of the data is up to the user. With the aid of the Integration module, users will be able to approximate the number of species inside the given spectrum. You can also apply peak picking to local maximas in order to make estimations on maximum values and furthermore, to estimate peak frequency. These include interactive apodization, linear prediction, Fourier transformations, phase correction, covariance and magnitude adjustments. You can insert new images or new objects to the work area, as well as to use the zoom functions to get a better view of the data and to experiment with the multitude of processing tools. Once the information has been loaded, possibilities start to emerge as you navigate the menus and the quick toolbars embedded inside the main window. MestRe-C Lite can import data from single or multiple spectra files and can also work with existing MRC files. Those who are not accustomed with this type of platform can turn to the extensive help file included in the application. The program is able to maneuver all the technical aspects that characterize the NMR concept inside an intuitive environment that can be handled by less experienced users. With MestRe-C Lite, the possibilities are fewer than in MestReNova, targeting basic processing needs for chemistry and pharmaceutical organizations. MestRe-C Lite was designed as a 1D version of MestRe-C, now known as MestReNova, which is the flagship NMR software of MESTRELAB, the producing company.

The emphasis falls on processing and analyzing such information in a manner that’s simpler than traditional methods. MestRe-C Lite is a versatile application that serves to provide better management of 1D NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) data inside medical institutions.